
Your first year of college is one of the most exciting, yet challenging, times of your life! College life is a new world: a time of explorations, self-reflection, enlightenment, and discovery.

第一年研讨会 (FYS 100) is a course that introduces you as a college freshman (100) to the tools and resources available campus wide that, 正确使用时, 帮助你到达大学旅程的最终目的地:毕业. 它探讨了对学术发展至关重要的各种主题, social, 以及有效记笔记等生活技能, 时间管理, 解决冲突, 文化能力. 也, it assists you in successfully navigating university resources and procedures, 培养基本的学术技能, 并找到你作为三角洲州社区一员的独特位置.

Transfer 第一年研讨会 (FYS 300) is a course that focuses on growing the skill set that you’ve already learned during your previous educational conquests. 在成长总是可能的心态下, 最好的总是更好的, we dig deeper into the concepts introduced in FYS 100 with a focus on mindful evaluation and goal setting. 目的地和FYS 100一样:毕业!

我们的许多部分都有一个学生同伴导师的组成部分. The Student Peer Mentors are returning students who have successfully navigated their own first year of college and are willing to share their knowledge with new students. These students are recruited directly by the 第一年研讨会 instructors they serve. 这支学生队伍热爱KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载, 他们想帮助你培养和他们一样的自豪感!

在三角洲州, we feel very strongly that the earlier you begin to feel a part of the DSU family, 你就越有可能在这里获得成功. Your Statesman Journey and your Okra Life begin here – we can’t wait to see what you become!


第一年研讨会 is offered at various days and times to ensure you can take it during a time that is convenient for your schedule. Each instructor offers a unique perspective based on their unique experiences. You can pick your class section based on your preferred time or your preferred instructors.


While each course section is taught by a different instructor, they all cover the same concepts. 以下是你的FYS 100课程要涵盖的主题列表:


课堂上一直存在着多样性, but in today’s society it is important to embrace it and make positive use of it. This class provides insight on the ways in which our diversity strengthens us as a society.

信息/技术(Canvas, OkraMail, MyDSU)

浏览校园内用于提交作业的各种系统, 教授发邮件, 报名上课, 检查成绩之类的事情可能会让人难以置信. This class provides the “how to” on each of the systems used here at Delta State and how to properly use social media in a college setting.


高等教育的世界与高中非常不同. Studies have repeatedly shown that those students who are more connected on campus are far more likely to earn their degree. This class demystifies higher education and focuses on how to build and use those campus connections.


很多深夜披萨店, 宿舍恶作剧, 视频游戏, 电视马拉松, 在院子里玩飞盘游戏(哦,还有作业), 时间太少了! Getting control of your time and using it wisely is the key to success both in and out of class. This class introduces various strategies for managing your time in college to your best advantage.


人们以各种方式学习. 正因为如此, it is important for you to figure out how you learn best so that you can gravitate toward instructors and courses which best match your style. Additionally, most students enter college with very little idea of how to properly study. This class provides instruction on various systems for studying effectively.


人们常说, 千里之行,始于足下. This class guides you in the essential steps needed for well-developed educational and career plans.


Many students find themselves frustrated by the fact that they are required to take general education courses. This class demonstrates the value of general education not only for your chosen major, 但在你的余生里. It also provides critical information designed to help you avoid academic misconduct and plagiarism and help you interact with faculty most effectively.


One of the challenges college students often face is how to effectively manage their relationships with their friends, 同学们, 和室友, 等. This class addresses ways to effectively communicate with your peers and provides effective tools to resolve conflict.


For years you have probably been told that critical and creative thinking are extremely important to college success. 然而, most students are never taught how to engage in critical/creative thinking, 甚至不知道这些词是什么意思! This class provides clarification of these terms and how to apply these skills.


在大学, 你必须协调任务, 工作, 类会议, 课外活动, 还有social事件. 通常没有人提醒你正确饮食, 保证充足的睡眠, 锻炼, 基本上要确保你照顾好自己. This class focuses on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle (both physically and emotionally) while diving in to college life!


For many college students, the library can be an extremely intimidating place. This class guides you in developing the skills to utilize the library as a place for reSearch and general study. It also emphasizes the importance of applying those same skills to both virtual and physical resources that extend beyond the doors of the campus library.


大学学位将为你打开许多经济上的大门, but its ability to do so will be seriously curtailed if you do not manage your finances wisely while you are in college. This class provides strategies designed to ensure that you will graduate from college on a firm financial footing.


上面列出的所有主题都是第一年的必修课程. This leaves 3-4 additional 类会议 in which your instructors can cover whatever material they feel would most benefit their students.
Bailey 2o8; DSU Box 3204
P: 662.846.4898






Stay connected to everything going on in FYS – and view this year’s Passport Point Calendar!

sosbutton1S.O.S. (保持秋葵强壮)警惕 system helps identify and assist at-risk students through organized outreach.